Tips on Reducing the effects of Screen Time

Posted by darlingdarleenadmin on
Follow these tips to help minimize and reduce the effects of too much screen time.
Tips on reducing the effects of screen time and still enjoy the quality of life || Darling Darleen Top Connecticut Lifestyle Blogger
Tips on reducing the effects of screen time and still enjoy the quality of life || Darling Darleen Top Connecticut Lifestyle Blogger

We are in a new day of age where screen time has definitely gone up for adults and children, and has been a HUGE blessing for maintaining certain jobs and school schedules during a global pandemic. Many people complain about reducing the effects of screen time, and how we need to get back to living our normal life of physical contact and interaction, which I completely agree and pray daily that our society can get back too. But if you stop and think about it, what would we do without technology and the internet? Oh man. More jobs would be lost. Kids would maybe have to repeat school. Or would there even be a lockdown?? I don’t know. But what I do know is that I’m grateful for that thing called technology and the internet because that is how we are getting through school and many are maintaining a job. Regardless, we all know that too much screen time has a negative effect like absent mindedness, less-caring attitude, comparison game, depression, insomnia, weight gain, insecurity and over stimulus. For many, from children to adults, right now screen time is essential for completing daily tasks. But the health and emotional aspect is one that not many people are talking about. There are many negative effects of too much screen time. I wanted to share some tips on reducing the effects of screen time that has worked for us. Also, make sure to check out this post about staying occupied during the lockdown.

Working all day on the screen?  Check out these tips to reduce the effects of too much screen time || Darling Darleen Top Connecticut Blogger
Tips on Reducing the Effects of Screen Time
  1. Make sure to exercise. Your overall health can be at grave danger if with too much screen time. From your vision to your weight to your sleep. Make sure you are getting daily exercise but not just once, but multiple times a day! Get out and go on those afternoon walks. Go running. Grab a jump rope and have it at arm reach. When you have a break, go and jump rope for a couple of minutes. Anything to get your heart rate going and to get fresh air. Make sure to check out the best home exercise equipment.
  2. Do not eat in front of the screen. Take that break when it is lunch time. And when I mean take a break, that includes from your phone. During lunch time, I usually try and read a book or catch up with my children’s schedule. I try not to “catch up” on my phone.
  3. Eat healthy snacks. So often when we are doing non-active activity, we tend to eat junk food. Grab the carrots instead of the chips. This is so important for you and your children. Often times when we are using too much screens, we want to snack. This leads to extra pounds and a unhealthy lifestyle. So, what I have been doing is setting up a healthy snack station for my children with apple slices, fruit, veggie sticks and healthy breads. I’ve also been making a lot of healthy smoothies.
  4. Drink Water. So often when we are on screens, we either forget to drink or we drink something that isn’t water like soda or coffee. But I always try and have my large mason jar filled with water and freshly squeezed lemons. This will keep your body hydrated and your mind alert.
  5. Avoid any Screens before Bed. This is a hard tip, but try and avoid any screens before bed. Preferably an hour before bed. This will help if you have troubles sleeping at night. Also, what I have been doing is actually not sleeping near my phone. I put my phone across the room so the first thing that I do when I wake up is NOT check my phone. It’s a much better way of waking up. And plus you don’t have all that negative electric energy near your brain while your are sleeping.
  6. STRETCH and breathe. I have been trying to stretch multiple times a day. This has been helping with my posture while sitting at my desk. Also, with restless leg syndrome. Start off your day with a deep body stretch and deep breathing. Then do it throughout the day. I have found it to calm anxiety and depression.
  7. Connect with Real Life. This is so important for adults and children. Now that many cities around the country are opening up. Take a break. Grab lunch. Get out to a park or beaches. Call a friend. Meet up with a friend. Anything to connect with real life. It’s time for social media to move over!
Working all day on the screen?  Check out these tips to reduce the effects of too much screen time || Darling Darleen Top Connecticut Blogger

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