Support Small Business

Posted by darlingdarleenadmin on

With COVID-19 Health Bans, Small Businesses are Suffering. Together, We Can Make A Difference!

Support Small Business! With COVID-19 Health Bans, Small Businesses are Suffering.  Together, We Can Make A Difference!  Check out these list to help support small business.  || Darling Darleen Top Lifestyle Blogger #smallbusiness #darlingdarleen

With the many uncertainties happening in the world today and it constantly changing daily, businesses are shutting down and it is greatly affecting our economy. But we have been blessed with this wonderful thing called the Internet! Just think how our society would be if we didn’t have a place to connect virtually. I would say it would not be good, and I think back to hearing stories from my grandparents when they went through the Great Depression. So, thankfully we as a community can make a positive difference and help support small business, whether it is locally or virtually. As a small business owner, if the economy drops I see it immediately with less orders coming in to my shop. It hurts, so I have a great compassion to helping and supporting other small businesses and other bloggers. Go order take-out meals, shop online (even check Facebook shopping or virtual shopping sites). The big retail chains will survive during this time. But small businesses won’t, and they are what keeps our economy diverse and going. So please go support! And if you are a small business, please let me know so I can add you to this list! There are so many small businesses out there!

Support Small Business! With COVID-19 Health Bans, Small Businesses are Suffering.  Together, We Can Make A Difference!  Check out these list to help support small business.  || Darling Darleen Top Lifestyle Blogger #smallbusiness #darlingdarleen





  • ETSY–handmade, vintage and custom marketplace. So many small businesses found on this website.

The post Support Small Business appeared first on Darling Darleen | A Lifestyle Design Blog.

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