Mt. Rainier Recap

Posted by darlingdarleenadmin on

Well, Seth safely returned home to us with only a dislocated shoulder. Besides that he is all in one piece, and tells me he is putting extreme mountaineering on hold for a while. Thank goodness! Hearing about his trip was pretty terrifying–80 mph winds (which constantly sounds like a jet airplane), hiking on 5 ft wide ice bridges between 100 ft wide/1,000 ft deep crevices, freezing weather to the point where you can’t move your fingers or mouth, blazing sun, two scary ice pitches, lack of sleep because wind is so loud and it’s so cold. At one point Seth dropped his gloves, but luckily and thankgoodness retrieved them (mind you, everything is ice and vertical). And on the way down the summit, somehow he tripped and started to fall down an ice chute but his ice ax basically saved his life (hence the dislocated shoulder). Amidst all that, they did make it to the top. Here’s a few pictures taken below the summit. Of course, pictures sometimes don’t do justice.

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