Mall Scavenger Hunt Birthday Party

mall scavenger hunt birthday party, girl teenager birthday party idea, teenager birthday party, girl birthday party, chocolate fondue birthday party, balloon arch birthday party decoration, 13 years old birthday party

Mall Scavenger Hunt Birthday Party

Another year.  Another birthday.  My baby is now a teenager!  We recently celebrated Stella’s 13th birthday with a Mall Scavenger Hunt Birthday party.  Stella came up with the idea to head to the mall with 12 of her girlfriends and do a mall scavenger hunt birthday party.  So teenager-ish!  But really it sounded like a great plan to me!  The girls had such a fun fun time running around the mall and completing the list of the scavenger hunt.  They are begging to do it again.  We ended up having the party guests come to our house and then we transported the girls to the mall and then afterward came back here for a night of chocolate fondue and silly girl talk.  The fondue was a hit because many of the girls had never done fondue and they just thought it was so fun and sophisticated dipping different desserts in chocolate.

The mall scavenger hunt birthday party was held in the evening.  When the girl arrived they were put on a team and given a personalized sling tote to hold their scavenger hunt goodies.  When we arrived at the mall, they broke up into teams and we told them the rules so the hunt didn’t get out of control.  Right before the clock started, we then gave them the mall scavenger hunt birthday list.  They had one hour to complete the list.  I included the FREE printable of the mall scavenger hunt list at the end of the post.   The party ended up being really easy to plan to put together.  The girls had such a great time running around the mall and captured many silly memories.  Free Printable link below!

mall scavenger hunt birthday party, girl teenager birthday party idea, teenager birthday party, girl birthday party, chocolate fondue birthday party, balloon arch birthday party decoration, 13 years old birthday party, free printable

 DOWNLOAD: Scavenger Hunt Birthday Party Free Printable List


The post Mall Scavenger Hunt Birthday Party appeared first on Darling Darleen | A Lifestyle Design Blog.

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