Domino‘s May issue had an article on laundry tips from the owners of The Laundress. There’s a lot of good information of how to keep your clothes looking new–alot that I had no idea about. One tip was skip the bleach (which I use frequently on my whites) because over time it makes fabrics yellow and eats away the fiber. They say brighten whites by soaking them in hot water and white vinegar for at least a half-hour. Laundry can be a tedious task and something you want to avoid because of how time-consuming it can be. As well as wanting to keep your clothes looking bright and good as new through laundry tactics, it’s likely you’ll want to save time and money when cleaning your clothes. After all, washing machines and all the fragrance needed can add up. Luckily, you can find the best ways to save financially and time-wise here.
The post Laundry Camp appeared first on Darling Darleen | A Lifestyle Design Blog.