Holiday Self Control

Posted by darlingdarleenadmin on

It’s that time of the season. Yup, by the time I’m done with Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and all the in betweens I’ll have gained 10 lbs. Guaranteed. You see, I have a love/hate relationship with the holidays. I love all the traditions, the family get togethers, the festivities, the decorations, the parties, the spirit of the holidays, and of course all the great food I’ll be eating. But I hate that by the end of it all, I can’t fit in my jeans; and I have to go on a major detox diet. And the fact that I permanently look three months pregnant doesn’t help. I admit it, I have a major sugar self control problem. MAJOR! If candy, ice cream, cookies, pies, muffins, cupcakes, caramels, chocolate, christmas-tree shaped rice krispie treats with red hots are in front of my face or anywhere in my house (even if I do hide it), I’ll keep eating it and eating it without stopping. Maybe this all stems back from growing up with 8 brothers and sisters. So, Halloween is here, and I have already opened up the bag of treats to give away and started munching. Niiiccee (thanks Holly for the slang). My friend told me that next time I should get treats that I don’t like (for instance gum or lollipops). Why didn’t I think of this before??? Great. I’m screwed. Oh, well.

The post Holiday Self Control appeared first on Darling Darleen | A Lifestyle Design Blog.

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