It’s been a long time. And it’s nice to be back. I’ve missed this little blog, but have been quite busy with a major move, selling a house, looking for a house, unpacking 240 boxes (!), settling and starting three kids in a new school. Honestly, I thought this move would be much easier, but in reality it really has thrown me for a loop. I think we are now feeling a little more settled. Most the boxes are out. Still trying to figure our town and the Southern lifestyle. Nostalgia has definitely settled in especially this past summer, but since school has started we have been staying quite busy. After looking at 60 homes for sale (I’ve been told I’m quite picky), we decided to rent a house so we can have a little more time to figure out everything. Here’s a glimpse of the home we will be living in for the next year. Nothing fancy–clean, white walls and hardwood floors. I still need to put up curtains and add a little warmth on the walls and accessorize. No wall painting alllowed.
The post Hello. appeared first on Darling Darleen | A Lifestyle Design Blog.