Happy New Year!

Posted by darlingdarleenadmin on

Happy New Year my darlings! Hope your new year was more eventful than mine and surrounded by people you love. I always enjoy the new year because it gives me a chance to step back and reevaluate my life–where I can improve and make changes. So here are just a few of my 2011 resolutions.

1.take a vacation with the hubby
2.lose 30 lbs!
3. sign up for the New York City Marathon lottery and try to get in
4.hire a cleaner
5.be better about picking up my clothes (I’m worse than my kids!)
6.be more creative on how I style my hair
7.leave the comfort of my suburb and enjoy a day in the NYC at least once a month
8.decorate my bedroom–it’s been neglected
9.take a class to learn something new
10.empty the dishwasher at the beginning of the day, not the end of the day.
What are your resolutions?

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The post Happy New Year! appeared first on Darling Darleen | A Lifestyle Design Blog.

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