Happy Birthday Mom!

Posted by darlingdarleenadmin on

Happy, Happy Birthday to my Mom! I must say that I think she is the bestest mom in the whole wide world. Guess what she did today for her birthday? Celebrate? Nope. She went and spent the day at my sister Julene’s house taking care of her, her kids, her house, preparing food and helping out with the newborn. I must say that she is a very selfless person and has always put her children before herself. Most people might think my mom is crazy to have nine children, but she definitely has the qualities to pull it off with success. I think us Waite kids have all turned out pretty good. I have always admire her patience–she’s got HUGE patience. I don’t remember her ever raise her voice to me when I young. I’m one of those people who are happy to hear that I’m becoming like my mother–that’s a compliment. I love that she gives me insights to motherhood, marriage, religion and life in general. And I thank her for giving me the memories of a wonderful childhood. It’s so nice having her birthday near Thanksgiving because she’s someone I’m always thankful for.

She’s a beauty!

Mom with her girls

A happy couple

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