Christmas Recap

Posted by darlingdarleenadmin on

Christmas is done and gone and packed away at our house, but here’s a glimpse of what the last month looked like at our house.  I know I should of posted this in the month of December, but I was missing in action.  We did have a great holiday though.  I made sure all the normal holiday traditions were done, which added to the craziness but a good sacrifice in my opinion.  We did do an advent calendar and the kids made sure we did something Christmas-y every day.  We ate a lot of baked holiday goods and made sure to put on some holiday pounds.  By the smiles on my kids’ faces it looked like Santa brought them everything on their wish list. 

paper circle garland

wreaths on every window and every door

stockings were hung

little evergreen tree were decorated all around the house

The post Christmas Recap appeared first on Darling Darleen | A Lifestyle Design Blog.

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